Day 7b: Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone, to Billings MT (under const)
Northern Range Continuing past Mammoth hot springs we begin to enter a place known as the "Northern Range" often compared to the Serengeti or other wildlife hotspots it is a world unto itself. We are also leaving that area most directly influenced by the Yellowstone hot spot and returning to "The Rockies" It took us almost an hour to get from mammoth to the next highway junction. We were climbing much of the way. People seemed to be stopped almost every 5 minutes. There was nothing explosive, just bears, bison, waterfalls. I regret not being able to spend more time here. I will feel this way often this trip, but we do have somewhere to be, a lot of somewheres to to be. All I can say is that we are small. Finally we begin to leave the traffic as we head toward the Northeast entrance . . . We see more wide glacier carved valleys, towering peaks and endless mountain meadows. We stop for maybe 15 minutes at a roadside to gaz...