Course Correction As has been hinted in previous 2 posts. Several days of non-stop geologic wonder has taken their toll on our well being, on our clothing, on our ice chest. In Billings we had made reservations at what ended up being an incredibly well run hotel with a fantastic hot breakfast included in the price, blazing fast internet, and . . . a laundry room. I would describe this all in better detail, but a travel blog is not best place for couples to air out their dirty laundry. Whole justification for this trip is to make my classes work better. I am not necessarily living up to that end. So we abandon Turtle Mountain and the 49th parallel and the confluence of the Yellowstone + Missouri rivers and make reservations for Dickinson ND. I'll still get my ND fix just not as thoroughly. Farewell to Billings It takes us awhile and we're not on the road until nearly noonish. like I say our journey is fairly short today. Billin...
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